Industrial Firefighting Dangers

Industrial Firefighters handle unique situation that many Municipal firefighters rarely face. When these firefighters are called upon to act they typically face very dangerous conditions.
Such as:
Volatile Chemicals
Superheated, unstable gases
Heavy Machinery
Unstable Steel Structural Members

Industrial Firefighters are generally employed at large companies, factories, oil refineries, and chemical plants. These firefighters need to be trained to the NFPA Standard 1081, Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications. They also go through rigorous annual training to stay up to date on the chemicals and hazards that their industry entails. AN important aspect of their job is keeping the job site safe. They will spend a great deal of their time in monitoring safety practice as it deals with storage of chemicals, sprinkler system operation, and safety of the employees. They are also responsible for overseeing the company is adhering to the local Fire Code in its day to day operations.


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Firefighter/Paramedic/Web Developer

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